Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Report on Recruitment in an Organization-

Question: Discuss about theReport on Recruitment in an Organization for Woolwarths. Answer: Introduction The report is related to the recruitment related issues faced by Woolworths. The most important decision in an organization is related to the recruitment selection of the employees. The HR department typically faces issues in recruiting new employees. The ability of an organization to overcome such challenges depends upon the factors like economy, competency commitment. Woolworths Limited is Australian Retail Company with wide-ranging interest throughout Australia New Zealand. The company is known as the second largest company in Australia by revenue, after conglomerate Wesfarmers. Adding together, Woolworths Limited is the largest carry away liquor retailer in Australia the chief hotel gaming poker machine operator. Interestingly, Woolworths was acknowledged as the 19th largest retailer in the world in 2008(Woolworths Ltd (WOW.AX), 2017). There are two types of forces involved in managing the human resource activities at an organization. Internal resources include a very strong representation of management employees in a well distinguished way. They are busy in allocation of resources merchandised allocation. With the Help of Human resource Department it is evident to manage the members staff in order to procure result. Challenges faced by the HRM department Hiring manager issue One of the major issues faced by the business organization is related to hiring of an efficient manager. The HRM department faces issues in hiring manager. It takes a lot of efforts in hiring an efficient candidate. Woolworths faces issue in retaining efficient. Employees tend to switch their job role due to existence of competition. Organization like Coles, Aldi, Target are giving competitive remuneration. Employees tend to switch to other organization in search of better opportunity (Aryee, et al 2016). This eventually increases the pressure on the companies. For the reason, HR department has to pay an extra attention on retaining efficient employees for a longer time-period. Organization like Woolworths the major problem comes up with retaining employees with better set of skills (Sparrow, Brewster Chung, 2016). Quality of Employees Another problem faced by the organization is in relation with the quality of employees. Particularly in the changing economy technology, employee knowledge is one of the major issues. High quality employees are easily snapped up by the other organizations. A long hiring process affects the employees they are been offered by another company (Reiche, Mendenhall Stahl, 2016). Coles other retail giant offer a lucrative career to the employees. This is exchange affect the longevity of employee tenure in an organization. . With this issue, the quality of employees at Woolworths is again an issue. This decreases their access to retain better employees to provide new opportunities to other (Marchington, et al 2016). Incentives Compensation other benefits are important for an organization in managing the employees ratio. In a tough economy, a large number of business organizations are finding difficulty in retaining better employees. HR department has to find out a better mean to make an appealing job listing. Employees are facing issues regarding the appealing job listing (Wilton, 2016). This issue is apparently affecting the organization in attracting employees. The candidates are mostly attracted towards organizations providing with a lucrative packages. In this situation Woolworths is facing issue in managing the employees expectations. Incentives act as a motivational factor in retaining employees in an organization. The implementation of a creative strategy is important to attract employees to retain the best (Albrecht, et al 2015). Woolworths has been facing an issue of a high turnover due to an inefficient incentive structure. Employees are not getting recognized in the organization. This in turn ha s affected the overall employee ratio. Employee motivation plays an important role in growth of the company. Woolworths has to develop a competitive incentive structure in order to attract more employees. This In turn will increase the employability. Employees security is important in an organization for gaining their trust (Stone Deadrick, 2015). Employee Retention Retention is important for an organization. Employees leave the organization in search of a better opportunity. Corporate culture work environment plays an important role in handling the employees retention issue. In case of an ineffective benefit structure, the employees tend to switch to other company(Wilkinson Wood, 2017). HR department has a challenge to screen loyal employees. These employees are retained for a longer time period. Woolworths has an issue regarding retention. A major section of employees leave after completion of their educational program (Stone, et al 2015). They face an issue of a high employee turnover as employees leave the organization as per their convenience (Hanks, 2015). The reason behind a high turnover is due to less growth opportunity. Employees are facing issue of better growth opportunity. They have to settle down for less. The availability of restricted growth in the organization is affecting the employee turnover. In such a situation it is import ant to create better growth features. This increases the employability creates better avenues. Employees when get a better opportunity outside tend to switch(Ford Richardson,2013). This is affecting the overall growth opportunity at Woolworths. Employees at Woolworths are facing an issue of bully by the managers. There are reports regarding continuous bully by the managerial staff. This in turn creates a high employee turnover ratio (Shields et al 2017). Training development Training development of employees take lot of efforts. Employers have to incorporate a better training development structure in order to attract more employees. They can only be retained if provided with better employment opportunities. A regular employee training is necessary to develop competitiveness (Guerci, et al 2015). Woolworths has an ineffective employee training structure. Employees are not provided with better employment training at an initial level. This creates frustration they gradually leave the organization. A regular interaction is suggested in between the employees the management to reduce the barriers. An existence of such barriers is affecting the organizational growth development (Robinson Plimmer, 2015). Strategies to meet the issue In order to develop a better recruitment structure, it is evident to frame better organizational strategies. These strategies are necessary to manage the employee ratio in the organization. The employees face an issue coming up due to the above mentioned issues. There is a necessity to deploy an effective employment structure so that employees are retained for a maximum time period (Punnett, 2015). Employees tend to switch due to multiple reasons. The purpose here is to provide with better opportunities to reduce the employees turnover. It is really a huge challenge to understthe employee psychology, to retain the best talents of the industry, inspire them to perform better handle diversity at the same time. Globalization has resulted in many positive as well as negative impacts on an organization. Diversity in the organization has multiplied the targets of the HR Department. In todays tough world, coordinating in a multicultural or diverse workforce is a real challenge for HR depart ment. It is tough to balance between employer employees keeping in mind the modern trends in the market. This creates a terrible situation for the employees to handle the human resource challenges efficiently (Salas et al 2015). A better employment structure Employees look for better employment structure. Growth is important for an individual on a long run. Woolworths has to create better opportunities for the existing employees. There is a necessity to make them feel secured. An attractive package with better growth opportunities for the employees is a need of an hour. Woolworths need to develop better employment growth opportunities for the existing employees. This will create better growth prospect necessary advancement (Kuvaas, Buch Dysvik, 2016). Training development process In order to grow, it is important to develop better training growth structure. This will allow employees in gaining a better insight. Employees do stick to the organization if they get better training facilities. Training related to organizational culture advancement is important to give better opportunities (Jamali, El Dirani Harwood, 2015). This in return will help in addressing the issues that employees faces on day-to-day basis. It is suggested that the organization need to carry out the job in a better way. Woolworths has an ineffective employee training structure (Oyewunmi et al 2017). Employees are not provided with better employment training at an initial level. For a better understanding of the job it is important to manage the training development process. This in return will help in managing the employees in an effective way (BAL De Lange, 2015). Handling Multicultural / Diverse Workforce One of the issues faced by the business organization is related with people from different age, gender, race, ethnicity, educational background, location, work experience can be a challenging task for HR managers (Brewster, Mayrhofer Morley, 2016). It is tough to train them about the organization. In such a situation Effective communication, adaptability, agility plays an important role in managing the large sized workforce (Deery Jago, 2015). Managing Change It is important for an organization to manage the changes taking place in the business environment to implement the same. Bringing change in organizational processes is one of the biggest concerns of HR managers (Gambardella, Panico Valentini, 2015). Upgrading the existing technology through training people is a real headache for HR department. The department needs to be proactive in dealing with such issues (Beer, Boselie Brewster, 2015; Alfes, Shantz, Truss Soane, 2013). Retaining the Talents Employee retention is imperative for the organization. Globalization gives freedom to working professionals to pursue their dreams. Different organizations are providing with a lucrative opportunities. It is the responsibility of the HR Manager to maintain harmonious relations with employees. Woolworths should provide with an excellent work environment, remuneration perks to retain efficient employees (Kersiene Savaneviciene, 2015). Conclusion To conclude, the organization has to manage the employees against odds. With a constant change in the work environment it has become evident to develop efficient employment strategies. These strategies will allow in overcoming the challenges faced in an organization. In a multicultural environment, it is tough to train them about the organization. Employees training development programs play an important role in managing the issues in a better way. This will help in overcoming the problems. An organization will get better direction for managing long term issues. Internal resources include a very strong representation of management employees in a well distinguished way. References Albrecht, S.L., Bakker, A.B., Gruman, J.A., Macey, W.H. Saks, A.M., (2015). 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