Sunday, May 17, 2020

Sustainability Is A Matter Of Human Rights - 2117 Words

Sustainability has become a relevant word in the vocabulary of many organizations, governments and individuals. More than just a word, sustainability relates to the ability of institutions to continue executing their functions without forgetting the effects on the environment and taking into consideration the fair treatment of their employees and the human rights of society. Although sustainability is a widely used term by many individuals, the understanding of this term is not as clear as its popularity. When discussing the ideas of sustainability, most people automatically associate the term with the human impact on the environment. Others relate sustainability to the ability to cut costs and inefficiencies within the organization. A few individuals believe that sustainability is a matter of human rights. So what exactly is sustainability? Although there is no formal definition for the term, individuals have tried to define sustainability according to their function or area of study. The term â€Å"sustainability,† once an obscure ecological concept, has now been adopted by many in the business world to connote the principles of social and environmental responsibility (Joseph Fiksel, Jonathan Low and Jim Thomas). Further, sustainability can be seen through the eyes of business as a way to create value. More likely than not, the term sustainability can be linked to the ability of decreasing costs, wastes and inefficiencies. According to the vice president of General Electric,Show MoreRelatedCorporate Social Responsibilities Of Pepsi Co Essay934 Words   |  4 Pagespriority ranging from human rights issues to the caramel food coloring used in their products. Pepsi Co. publicizes basic needs for human rights issues are respect, equality, and dignity of work. 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